TEXT: DANIEL 9: 1-3; 6:3
Daniel 9:2
In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of
Daniel 6:3
Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm
An all-round qualitative education combined with an excellent spirit will mark a Christian out. God wants His children not to be Heavenly useful and earthly useless or to be earthly useful and Heavenly useless. Rather, He wants His children to be Heavenly useful as well as earthly useful, which explains why Christians must embrace education and posses excellent spirits so that they can excel in whatever they do on planet earth (Proverbs 22:29).
One of the greatest inventions of man is education. Education or lack of it is what makes the difference between an enlightened mind and an illiterate; between a stone aged man and a modern sophisticated man. Education is pivotal to mankind’s general development. It lays the foundation upon which man’s continuous search for meaning and relevance in a dynamic world is achieved.
Education is man’s response to God’s injunction to, “subdue the earth…rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:28). Education has led to exploits, revolutions and tremendous advancements in every aspect of human endeavours – agriculture, healthcare, space science, technology, etcetera.
It should be acknowledged that while some people are using their education to better the world and provide solutions to mankind’s innumerable problems, others are using their education to destroy the world by creating more problems.
Education is schooling, study, instruction, apprenticeship and tutelage (Acts 22:3; cf. Acts 19:9). Until the world is no more education will not cease because many people will keep devoting themselves to books (Eccl. 12: 12). Education is not only acquired by attending a conventional educational institution, it could be acquired through non-formal means. There are people who went to school but are illiterates because even though they passed through the four walls of educational institutions they have nothing to show other than mere paper qualifications. However, there are people who do not have limited access to conventional education but have continued to enlighten their minds. Therefore, continuous reading and study are the keys to a beneficial education.
In Biblical times, God’s people recognized the power of education and so took advantage of it. In fact, some of God’s greatest servants were men and women of sound academic orientations. Two examples here would suffice:
Moses – (Acts 7: 22). His learning empowered him for God’s service. He led God’s people for 40 years and wrote the Pentateuch – Genesis to Deuteronomy and part of Psalms.
Apostle Paul – He was a thorough bred, he had attended the
While returning from my first “Garri business” trip at Orie, Nunya, Isuikwuato L.G.A., Abia state on Tuesday, October 29, 1996, I wrote the following lines which I captioned, “The Goal of Education.”
Education is not intended to make us proud but to humble us. The goal of education is to make us self-propelling, self-sustaining, independent, resourceful and visionary. Any education which makes us proud, carrying ourselves with the air of nothingness (vain glory, Phil. 2: 3a), looking down on others as ‘Nothing bazobas’ is no education at all. Any education that makes anyone look down on small beginnings (Zech. 4:10; Job 8:5-7 is no education at all. True education trains the mind, heart, and hands; it teaches us to see worth in little things.
The greatest education acquired by man is received at “Jesus’ college,” an arm of
Why were these so? The Word of God is the chief means of instruction and learning. It assures you of insight (Psalms 119: 97-100). Any education that does not recognize God as the epicenter is a useless education. Unfortunately, many people through their education do not recognize God (I Cor. 1: 21a).
Some Christians after exposure to higher secular education suddenly finds the world alluring enough to leave God’s boat of salvation and some use their education to change the church so as to suit the world. All these are wrong.
Education, what a sweet experience! Daniel “understood by books and distinguished himself,” Moses was “educated in all the arts and sciences of the Egyptians,” Apostle Paul was so educated that a king described his education as “Excessive,” etcetera.
All of us who are heaven-bound must endeavour not to become “Heavenly useful but earthly useless” by not getting education. On the other hand, those of us who are educated should avoid being “Earthly useful and heavenly useless.” We must balance the equation. It was Aristotle, a Greek sage who said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet.” Hebrews 12:11 affirms that “No discipline (study) at the moment is enjoyable but later becomes sweet.”
May God power our education. As we send forth our graduating students away from this great university, it is our prayers that they will excel and use their education to enhance the fortunes of their families, communities, our nation and our world. Above all, that the
May God richly bless all of us in Jesus’ name!
Lane, off,
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