Sunday, December 3, 2023


 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”  (Colossians 2:8).


It is no gainsaying that since Satan could not destroy the Church of Christ through outright physical persecutions, he has decided that the best way of doing this was to destroy her message by making her compromise her beliefs and practices. This was the tactics he employed amongst Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt to Promise Land. He sent “mixed multitudes” amongst them who kept on introducing one thing after another (Exodus 12:38). These mixed multitudes were the ones who called on the faithful Israelites to revolt against established authority, led complaints after complaints; sought to go back to Egypt in rebellion and the like. It was only when the “mixed multitudes” had been removed was Israel able to focus on God and His commandments (Nehemiah 13:3).

Brethren, I am convinced of the presence of “mixed multitudes” in our midst. It is an incontrovertible fact that Satan has been planting his messengers and secretly delegating them to infiltrate the rank and file of Christians and to corrupt their message (Galatians 2:4-5) as well as making “people to rise up from among the church, speaking perverse things” (Acts 20:29-32). As early Christians did not allow them any breathing space, so we will not allow them.

This matter was so grave that Holy Spirit had to make God’s servant Jude to change the subject of his discourse and to make him address the minds of believers on the issue of guarding jealously that which they have been committed to (Jude verses 3-5). If we do not fight to protect what we have, we are bound to lose out in the end (Revelations 3:11).

        In II Peter 2:1 God spoke of “…damnable heresies….” Of a truth, modernism is one of the vehicles through which Satan, using his agents are bringing in damnable heresies into the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.  


            Etymologically, modernism means an exaggerated love of what is modern, an infatuation for modern ideas and "the abuse of what is modern." A modernist, therefore, is one who esteems modern times above antiquity.

Modernism is the offshoot of New Hermeneutics, which is characterized by feelings and not reason. The epicenter of New Hermeneutics theology is that as long as one feels good about anything religious, then it must be acceptable. It does not matter what one feels about – whether it is right or wrong in God’s sight, feelings must prevail over reason. For instance, God’s Word declares that marriage must be between Adam and Eve but feelings says, “No”, marriage must be between Adam and Steve (I Corinthians 6:9; cf. Romans 1:27).

On the contrary, reason says that as long as God says it in His word, it must be truth; it does not matter whether what I feel is good or not - that which God said must be true and should be adhered strictly to (cf. Romans 3:4; Isaiah 8:20).                           According to Stanley Grenz (2011) modernism was a reaction to a ‘cold, hard fact’ in favor of ‘warm, fuzzy subjectivity’; it is about experience over reason, subjectivity over objectivity, spirituality over religion and outward over inward. Modernism is religious liberalism! 

Modernists are those who claim to know God, or to be spiritual, but they deny one or more of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith (cf. Titus 1:16). Modernists are those who claim to follow Christ, while simultaneously attacking the very foundations of His teachings.

Because of modernism, the focus of society has shifted away from the question, “What does the Bible say?” to the question, “What do you feel?” “Feeling,” as a way of discerning truth, has replaced “Bible” in our modern culture. Feelings are the primary input in regard to sense experience; and so whether we are content, discontent, or whatever, it all depends upon what we feel about something. This is the core of modernism.

Modernism refers to new methods of serving God as opposed to the old fashioned way in which it had been (cf. Jeremiah 6:16; Acts 2:42). Today, there are new methods of praying, teaching and practicing Christianity. These are done with reckless abandon with no one expected to criticize what is being done. To do so will bring the anger of majoring on you.

Modernism or Theological Liberalism has been defined as an intentional attempt to modify the doctrines and practices of the Church to conform to modern ideologies. Modernism promotes new approaches, which to a large extent leads to compromises and dethroning Biblical authority; setting aside established practices in preferences for their modern practices. Galatians 1:6-8 encourages us to reject novel messages contrary to that which have already been received, no matter who is peddling them.

        Modernism has sought to change the:

1.           Message and requirements of salvation.

2.           Church organization.

3.           Core Christian messages.

4.        Emphasis from spiritual to material issues. Under modernism, dressing has become something else. The world now tells the Church what to do rather than the Church telling the world what to do.

5.           Lowering the essence of and the demands of God’s grace (Titus 2:12-13). Today, God’s grace has become a license for anything (Jude v. 4).

6.           Encouraging liberal approaches to Biblical interpretations.

7.           It has led to "paradigm shifts."    


Modernism versus Christianity is akin to saying witnesses of men versus the witness of God. I John 5:19 testifies that, “If we receive the witness of men, then the witness of God is greater.”

Modernism is the witness of men while Christianity is the witness of God. The question is, whose report should we believe? The report of men or the report of God? These days, people are comfortable with reports of men much more than they would with the reports of God.

Our resolve in the midst of these modern trends should be Joshua’s response to the modernistic tendencies of his day: “As for me and my house we will serve Jehovah!” (Joshua 24:15). As for me and my house, our song remains:

 “Give me that old time religion (3x);

  it’s good enough for me.

  If it was good for Paul and Silas (3x);

  it’s good enough for me.”

Attempts to modernize the things of God did not start today. Nadab and Abihu attempted it and were taught the bitter lessons of their lives (Leviticus 10:1-3). King David tried it and God showed him that He should not be toyed with (I Chronicles 13:1-12; I Chronicles 15:12-15).

If God could not spare those who trifled with Him and with His Word (Jude verses 6-20), I am convinced that He will not spare the modernists of our time! The lessons of Scripture do not speak in vain (I Corinthians 10:1-12; Romans 15:4). Therefore, modernists should beware!


Modernists say that they are on a “mission to restore/reform the Church.” To restore or reform the Church, they are employing human reasoning and elevating human feelings above plain teachings of God’s inerrant word. This explains why there are several attempts to bring in novel ideas and practices. At the heart of these is human thinking.

The truth is that when men exalt their rationality and reason and seek to repair the Church by their own devices, the plan will ultimately fail because included with man’s sinful nature is a fallen mind that is not capable of proper reasoning without divine intervention.  

It was T. M. Clement (1999:16) who wrote, “Those that set a truth apart, have truth in part and from the truth depart.” When modernism blends elements of truth with modern interpretations and practices, what obtains is corruption. It was Bamaiyi (undated) who in a paper presentation on “The Effect of Syncretism on Christian Spirituality” stated that “adding an incompatible belief corrupts the original religion; rendering it no longer true… those who seek to incorporate a new view, belief, or practice into a religious system actually distort the original faith.”


Ingredients of the Gospel have always been contested by Satan and a myriad of different forms or methods of “salvation” have sprung forth since the time Christ walked the earth. 

The greatest danger that philosophies of modernism pose are to somehow compromise the message we present to the lost in such a way as to lead them astray.  If that is accomplished, Satan has won an important battle.  Apostle Paul’s words to the Colossians still ring true today, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”  It is incumbent upon Christians to recognize the tactics of the enemy and be aware of his attempts to use them against the cause of Christ. 

With modernism, the danger is greater still because not only the presentation of the gospel is being attacked, but the message of the gospel itself is in danger.  Without hearing the truth and practicing the truth no one can be saved


A major element of modernism today is Pentecostalism and Pentecostal influences. Pentecostalism has watered down the Gospel message and opened the door to all manners of abuses. There are many false claims, dreams, visions, false revelations, false prophecies and various other forms of deceits.   

        Because of modernism fired by the embers of Pentecostalism, Christianity is gradually becoming a plaything and an all-comers’ affair. Biblical authority has been eroded as sacred doctrines have been thrown overboard. Sorcerers, sorceress and magicians now have a field day. Sacred ideals have become commonalized while abominations have become idealized. Women whose duty is nowhere near the pulpit have taken the centre-stage of ministry (I Corinthians 14:34-35; I Timothy 2:11-12).    


1.   We need to be ever mindful of Acts 17:11 and be like the Bereans, weighing every new teaching, every new thought, against Scripture. We must not let our experiences interpret Scripture for us, but as we change and conform ourselves to Christ, we interpret our experiences according to Scripture. Unfortunately, this is not what is happening in circles espousing Christianity today.

2.   Indeed, we must stand against error and compromises in all their forms.  Tertullian came out strong against the infiltration of Gnosticism into Christianity when he stated, “What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem?  What concord is there between the Academy and the Church? What is it between heretics and Christians? … Away with all attempts to produce a mottled Christianity of Stoic, Platonic, and dialectic composition!”                                                    

3.   The early stood for what they believed and would not allow even an angel to change it (Galatians 1:6-9). We must mark those who teach contrary doctrines and avoid them (Romans 16:17-19). We must not support them or fellowship with them. Congregations should not allow them near their pulpits or teach their Bible studies, talkless of serving as their ministers. 

4.   We must "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing," (Matthew 7:15).  Call it "witch hunting"?  Well, it is still what Jesus commanded.  Be on the lookout for infidels in your congregation.   

5.   "Earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude 3).  One is a poor Christian who is not insulted when Christ's teachings are questioned or compromised. “Contend earnestly,” we are commanded.  Defend the Bible and Christ!!

6.   Do not put yourself and your children under the influence of such false teachers, for "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful" (Psalm 1:1-3). 

7.   Do not bid any modernist Godspeed who has abandoned the doctrines of Christ and His apostles. To do otherwise is sin (II John 1:9-11).               

CONCLUSION                                                                                                Modernism has come to steal our Faith in God’s Word, corrupt our worship of God and put us in company of Satan and all apostates. If we do not fight against modernism, we will be won over by it.                            

Knowing that men’s teachings and practices make worship of God vain (Matthew 15:8-9; Mark 7:7-13), should we, therefore, sit idly and watch Satan steal, kill and destroy our most precious Faith through modernistic doctrines and practices? Nay! It is a do-or-die affair.                                                             The future of the Church is hanging in the balance. Modernism has come to make us bequeath to future generations that which is not the Word of God (cf. II Timothy 2:2). Will we give to our children fish or snake; bread or stone? (Matthew 7:9-10). The choice is ours. If early Christians fought to maintain the integrity of God’s Word so that we can enjoy the freedom we have in Jesus Christ today, we should do no less (Galatians 2:4-5). 

Thank you for your time and attention. God bless us in Jesus’ name!


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