Church cannot do without her youths. Christian youths are assets to the Lord’s Church in every community and locality. Youths are the life-wire of every congregation.
youths are the future of the Lord’s Church. Leave them out of Church’s planning,
activities and programmes, and you deny the Church of her most vibrant resource.
Christian youths are bridge between past and future generations of the Church.
They are torch-bearers and Church’s most active force. The quality of today’s
Christian youths determines the quality of tomorrow’s Church. Succinctly
stated, the Church of tomorrow is in the hands of today’s Christian youths.
say that I am happy to be here today is to say the least: I am honoured!
Because youths are tomorrow’s leaders, I take pleasure in addressing youths
wherever I am invited to share with them. Today, I have been requested to share
with all of us gathered here today on “What Christian Youths Must Do to Enhance
Growth of the Lord’s Church.”
job is a very simple one – make youths appreciate who they are, how God sees them and what they can do with
who they are to enhance development and growth of our Church Family.
One of the things
that gives me joy and assures me of a better future is that majority of today’s
Christian youths are more concerned about Church than their peers in past generations.
Some Congregations make mistake in not allowing their youths to exercise
themselves and be mentored. They gag them with various laws which inhibit the
exercise of their talents. However, Congregations that encourage their young to
exercise themselves have consistently reaped benefits arising from such
mentoring activities. On the other hand, while machineries have been put in
place by Congregations for their youths to thrive, some Christian youths are
not just willing to contribute their quota towards growth and development of
their Congregations.
One of God’s
greatest gifts to the Church in every generation is her youths. As go the
youths so goes the Church. I love youths because of their stakes in the future
of the Church with regards to her growth, stability and maintenance of her
uniqueness. The Lord loves youths and that is why He has given them to her as
gift. Psalms 127:3-5 (KJV) says,
Lo, children
(Youths) are an heritage of the Lord... As arrows in the hands of a mighty man
so are the... youths. Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them....
In other
words, a congregation that is blessed with youths is better positioned to do
exploits for the Lord and for His Kingdom.
God has blessed
every generation, nation and congregation of His Body with youths, not just
youths but visionary, mission-minded and spiritually enterprising youths. It
may interest us to know that in God’s scheme of things for the Church, the
youths are the torch-bearers, spreading the flame of God and lightening every
heart and home with the message of God.
In Bible, Christian
youths are referred to as those, “Who conquered the evil one” (l John 2:13b).
Here, Spirit of God calls Christian youths, “Conquerors.” Again, in Holy
Spirit’s mobilization of “End Time Harvesters” spoken of by Prophet Joel and
confirmed by Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day, youths are said to be given gifts of
(Acts 2:17). “VISION” is “Foresight” (Pronounced “Four sight” cf. Ecclesiastes
2:14), clear direction; the ability to see far into the future, to see sense in
every nonsense; possibility in every impossibility and ability in every
So, according to God’s
Word, Christian youths are given the vision to accomplish the mission of the
Great Commission. “Without vision” the “people perish” (Prov. 29:18). In other
words, without youths, the Church suffers. Why? Because youths are the vision
bearers, they are visionaries! While “Elders” are busy dreaming “dreams,” youths
are busy “Seeing Visions.”
Let me say these to
all of us gathered here: If our congregations are just dragging along, if her
growth is being hindered and things are not moving the way they ought to be,
don’t blame the elders but blame youths. This may blow your mind: since the
youths are those who “See Vision,” it can be argued and rightly too that the
youths of every generation and congregation are the eyes with which they see:
“If, therefore, the light of the body (which are the youths) grow dim, how
dense a darkness” (Matt. 6:23, Reversed Berkley Version in Modern English).
The Church cannot
thrive and do exploits for the Lord if her youths are not up and doing. I ask,
“Are you as a youth blooming where you are planted?” to whom much is given, much
should also be expected!
Youths of every
generation are the future of that generation. A loss in the youths’ population
portends a great danger for such a people. The same can be true for the Church
of the Lord, the Body of Christ. There is the danger of a loss of New Testament
Christianity and the extinction of the Body of Christ if Christian youths do
not take active interest in their local Congregational activities. A
youths’-active congregation is a lively, strong and progressive Church with a
future but a congregation with a large percentage of apathetic (none zealous)
youths is an endangered one.
Apathy is one of the
major reasons Christian youths are not playing their Biblically established
roles towards growth of their local Congregations. “Apathy” simply put is a
lack of interest in church and related activities; it is a lack of commitment
on the part of the membership.
Christian Youths
generally blame apathy to low motivation. While to an extent, they are right.
Fact, however is church is an investment. The joy derived in worship/fellowship
is commensurate to what we invested in it — time, attention and interest. David, the “Sweet Psalmist” and king of
Sometimes Christian
youths blame their apathy towards Christian activities such as worship, Bible
Study, evangelism, prayer meetings, etcetera to the fact that Congregations of
the Lord’s Church are not happening places like the denominations (cf. I Samuel
8:5). They long for where “things are happening.” The truth is – Church was not
designed as places of entertainment but for serious spiritual business (John
4:23-24). Worship is doing exactly what God says you should do (cf. Exodus
8:27) not doing what you like. Church is not a social club meant for social
gathering but a place for soul-searching.
Lack of commitment
is the by-product of apathy to church and related activities. Cold
shoulderisms, “I don’t care attitude” and “To your tents O’ Israel” Lifestyles
of many to church programs such as evangelism, Bible study, prayer meeting and
visitations are denying the Church of the roles expected of Christian youths.
Daraprin (“Daraprin”
is a Sunday, Sunday medicine) Christianity is a religion of convenience and not
of conviction. God condemns this in scripture (Matt. 20:6).
1. Realize that “Woe”
is the portion of those” who are at ease in
2. Realize that God’s
business is for the volunteer (Ps. 110:3), those who can do exploits for him
(Dan.11:32b; cf. Eph.6:12; Matt. 11:12).
3. Realize that if you
don’t gather with the Lord you are casting your vote for the church to close
shop (Matt. 12:30).
One of the greatest things Christian youths can do to enhance Church growth is the gift of themselves. Making ourselves available is our best and greatest gift to the Lord and to His Kingdom. To demonstrate the importance of availability, Psalmist says, “In the days of His battle His army shall be volunteers” (Psalms 110:3). Again, “The Lord gave the Word, great was the company of those who proclaimed it” (Psalms 68:11).
II Corinthians 8:1-5
underscores the importance of availability when Macedonian Christians were
commended for giving themselves first and then to the Lord. Giving ourselves or
making ourselves available is an all-encompassing and all-involving transaction.
It involves our time, talents, treasures and our lives in general.
In what ways can we
make ourselves available to the Lord?
By Cultivating Holiness
can never make use of a person whose life is not in consonance with His Will. Christian
youths must dedicate themselves to living for the Lord (Mark 10:20; cf. Genesis
39:9-10; II Timothy 2:19-22).
has always been the beauty of the believer, moreso of Christian youths. Nothing
makes God happy to see that His children are holiness defined. Holiness is
attractive. It is impacting and transformational. It defines the translucency
of the Christian youth, enabling unbelievers and those who are not New
Testament Christians to see through youths to Jesus Christ.
Holiness assists
Christian youths to stand out from the crowd and to make bold statements
wherever they are! Sinful lifestyles dim the light that should be the Christian
youth. No matter how beautiful you can sing, preach and pray, lack of holiness makes
nonsense of all these. The name of the Lord and image of the local
Congregations will be subjected to ridicule when Christian youths make a mess
of their testimonies (cf. Romans 2:17-24).
Who is a Christian?
A Christian is one who is not ashamed of the Gospel, nor a shame to the Gospel
(Romans 1:16; II Cor. 6:3; cf. II Sam. 12:14).
Cultivate holiness.
Your sound moral life will bring sinners to the Lord. It will encourage people
to be like you. It is an incentive to your preaching of the Gospel. Holy living
will enhance your personality and impact positively on the growth of your local
By Giving God and His Church Your Time
god and His Church your time. Make yourself available for Church activities
such as worship, Bible study, prayer meetings, singing practice, evangelism, visitation,
etcetera. Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord and he said, “Here am I send me?”
(Isaiah 6:8). No time is well utilized and invested than that which we spend in
God’s presence and in doing God’s Will.
By Making Available our Talents and Treasures
young lad (youth) gave Jesus his launch of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes (John
6:8-13). Peter gave the Lord his boat to preach with (Luke 5:1-11). Midwives
cast their votes for the growth of nation of
we labour for the Lord, He in turn labours for us. When we cultivate in His
Vineyard, He in turn cultivates in our respective vineyards. You cannot out-give
God. Give Him your talents and treasures. Ensure that you have a Kingdom-Investment
Mentality (KIM).
you do these, you can be sure that your local Congregation will experience a
new lease of life in activities, growth and further development.
active parts in whatever your Congregation is doing. Volunteer to take up
assignments during Worship services even when you feel shy and inadequate
inside of you. Learn to fan your gifts into flame (II Tim. 1:6-7). Learn to do
things. We only learn to do by doing. The more you practice, the more you
perfect and horn your skills in those directions.
of the greatest hindrances to youths contributing positively to growth of God’s
Kingdom are allowing their perceptions to be defined by others and also by the
kinds of friends they cultivate.
the Fact That You Are Special (Psalms 139:14)
Many Youths have
been lost to sin, self and Satan because of their lack of self-appreciation.
Every Youth is made original but many are living and dying copies.
The time of youth is
a time of great temptation to “Measure up” and become like the Jones and the
Joneses. As a result of coming in contact with peers, some suggestive
literatures with heavy doses of secularism laced with fashion and fame; glitz
and glamour. Television and home Videos, TV commercials and bill boards, all
join forces to send the message of depreciation to youths by projecting models
of what a youth should be. These lead to loss of senses of worth and self-appreciation
among youths. To “Measure up” and
“Belong” many have veered off the paths of sanctity and dedication to the Lord
and have pierced themselves with many sorrows. To nip this in the bud, you MUST
appreciate the fact that you are unique, specially crafted by God for a
purpose. No two persons are exactly alike. Impress it upon your mind the truth
that God takes delight in variety, which explains our peculiar physical
features, heights, built, sizes and colours. We MUST each learn to have
self-esteem and avoid the pitfalls of thinking low or highly of ourselves,
which are both extremes (
Cultivate Godly Relationships
The need to
consolidate our faith and heavenly calling by cultivating godly relationships
cannot be over stressed. This is because among God’s people today, there are
tares among corns (Matt. 13:24-30). From
time immemorial the devil has endeavoured and to an extent succeeded in
infiltrating the ranks and file (company) of God’s people (Gal. 2:4). Among
God’s people of old, the Israelites, he used the “Mixed multitude” (Ex.12: 38;
cf. Neh.13: 3). However, among Christians of today he uses “False Brethren” (II
Cor. 11:26). Certainly, “not everyone who says Lord, Lord” is a Christian
(Matt. 7:21). Some are “snares and spots” planted by the devil to entice
unstable souls among God’s people (II Pet. 2:13-14).
To overcome, we would have to cultivate relationships with those who “call upon the Lord out of pure hearts” (II Tim. 2:22). On the other hand, any relationship that would make us compromise our testimonies, soil our moral and spiritual garments should be avoided. There are people who have been planted by the devil to shipwreck our faith (II Tim. 2:18; I Tim. 1:19). Indeed, bad associations even among Christians corrupts good morals (I Cor. 15:33).
Emulate the Shinning Examples of Youths of Yesteryears God’s youths of yesteryears are shinning examples of what Christian youths of today should be. The inspiring stories and examples of the Josephs, the Esthers, the Daniels, the Meshachs, and the Abednegos; the Marys, the Timothys, etcetera are all there for all to see. They all demonstrate that one can live above his/her own times, overcome wrong crowds, triumph over temptations, cultural/peer pressures and wrong choices. What we do with our lives, the relationships we cultivate and the choices we make determine to a great extent whether we will soar with angels in the heavenlies or wallow with pigs in the mire. All we need to do to is to key into God’s purpose for our lives, knowing that we are not here for ourselves but for Him who created us and called us.
youths, you have a great stake in God’s Work. Serve God wisely and effectively
in your days of youth. It is the greatest investment you can ever make and the
best foundation you can make for yourself in life (Eccl. 12:1-7).
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